As a company, we have been extremely fortunate, to have several individuals join our team that fit and embrace our company’s culture and mission. Chris Rowoldt is one of those individuals. Chris joined our company in January of 2020. He brings professionalism, knowledge, technical skillset, and most identifiable a calming confidence that fits quite comfortably with our IT team and clients. His impact on the team and our clients is already having a significant impact that has been embraced by our team and clients. Let us now get to know a little bit more about Chris.
What prompted you to go into the technology field?
I have loved technology since I was a kid, and always knew it was going to be a future for me. It was when I grew older and studied more about technology in college, I realized my passion was in software, databases, and data.
How has your previous technology experience(s) helped you in your role as a Technical Analyst at The Joxel Group?
Having a team of developers and analysts with varying backgrounds and skillsets allows us to collaborate in exceptional ways. When it comes to technology, there is always a solution, usually several. My past experiences, environments, and set of skills, joined with my amazing team members’, provides for a wealth of knowledge and perspectives, ensuring that we find the best solution possible for any problem or request.
If you could describe yourself in three words, which three words would you use?
- Analytical
- Persistent
- Athletic
How do you unplug?
Golfing, playing just about any sport (baseball/softball/basketball/etc.), runs with my border collie Django, or hanging out with my girlfriend, Ann. That usually entails going out for dinner and drinks or watching movies/tv at home.
What are three things people do not know about you?
- I am left-handed.
- I took piano lessons for roughly eight years (starting in the 2nd grade), and used to play in recitals, weddings, and church.
- I have been playing baseball since I was four years old, and still play in a summer league every year.
What does integrity mean to you?
Always being loyal, trustworthy, and dependable. Doing the “right thing” any time you can.
What does customer service mean to you?
Providing efficient solutions by using knowledge and expertise, while being understanding, empathetic, and enjoyable to work with. I believe the key is putting yourself in your customers’ shoes, to truly understand what they need and how to best help them.
If there was one aspect in the technology field that you could change or fix, what would that aspect be?
Over the years I have seen too many users underutilize technology they already own, wasting hours a week, or even daily, leaving significant room for automation and/or process improvement. If I could fix it, everyone would leverage their existing software/tools to the fullest, increasing automation, and reducing time spent on unnecessary tasks (data entry, verification, report generating, imports/exports, etc.), without spending any additional resources.
Thank you, Chris, for participating in this edition of the Joxel Spotlight. Chris has served clients across multiple industries and we are extremely excited to have him now serving ours!